For Active Orders:
Launch the Hey You mobile app.
Sign in if you aren't already logged into your account.
Tap the
orders icon at the bottom of the main screen. Then click on Active.
Tap the past order you want a receipt for.
At the bottom of the page, tap "Email receipt".
Ta-da! You should immediately receive an email of your order receipt.
For Past Orders:
Launch the Hey You mobile app.
Sign in if you aren't already logged into your account.
Tap the
orders icon at the bottom of the main screen. Then click on history.
Tap the past order you want a receipt for.
At the bottom of the page, tap "Email receipt".
Ta-da! You should immediately receive an email of your order receipt.
Thank you for using Hey You App
Still having troubles?
If you're having troubles getting access your email or just find it difficult to follow the steps above, please reach out to our Hey You support team here and we'll help you out!