How do I change or reset my password?

Forgot your password? No problem! You can request a password reset or change it in your account settings if you're already signed up.

Changing your password:

  1. Launch the Hey You mobile app.
  2. Sign in if you aren't already logged into your account.
  3. Tap the 24_x_24_Icon__1_.png Profile icon at the bottom right of the main screen.

  4. Tap "My Account" from the list of options.
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  5. Tap "Change Password"
  6. Enter your current password, your new password and then tap "Save changes".  You will receive a confirmation email once the changes have been applied. Didn't make it this far? Get in touch with us here and we'll work together to change your password.

Resetting your password

  1. Launch the Hey You mobile app.

  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap "Or continue with your email address" – If you login using Facebook, Google or Apple ID and have recently updated either of those passwords you will need to re-input the new password when logging back into your Hey You account. 

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3. Enter your email address and tap "Continue" – If you don't remember your email address, get in touch with us here and we'll work together to access your Hey You account.

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 4. You'll be asked to enter your password, Tap "Forgot password?".

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5. Double check your email address and tap "Reset password".

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6. An email will immediately be sent to your inbox, tap the reset password URL link to continue – If you're having troubles finding our email, try checking your spam folder.

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7. Enter your new password and tap "Reset password" – Boom. Done. Didn't make it this far? Get in touch with us here and we'll work together to access your Hey You account.

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Have more questions?

We have a dedicated team that looks after your entire Hey You experience. If you're still experiencing issues please reach out to our Hey You support team – Submit a request