How can I receive Hey You orders?

You have four options for receiving Hey You orders. They are:
  1. Hey You Terminal (incl. Printer): You can purchase this for $299 (excl GST) here. Please allow 5 business days for this to arrive. For more information on the terminal and how it works, see here
  2. Bring Your Own Device: You can download Venue Manager on Apple or Android devices. You can use a tablet, ipad or unused smart phone. Please note: the Venue Manager app must be open to receive orders, for this reason this device must only be used for Hey You.
  3. Web/Desktop: You can log in here immediately. You must have the window open and be logged in to appear online in the app and receive orders. It's recommended you turn the sound on your computer to the maximum so you can hear the incoming order alert. 
  4. Kounta Integration: Please contact us ( to have this set up